It’s also a good idea to work at twice the resolution that you plan for your final gif - 1280x960 for a 640x480 gif, for example, so it looks nice and clean when you size it down.Įdit: Oh, actually, converting to a 1-bit Layer and then back to Color will remove antialiasing from your lines, but starting out with aliased lines will ensure they don’t change as much during the conversion.
Animation practice in Firealpaca (Summer Day) Beginner. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It’s important that you have Antialiasing off when you draw the lines, so you can easily fill in areas with the paint bucket without leaving any white space behind. News, Shorts, and Everything Else in the World of Animation. It should be transparent and ready for coloring with no trace of the sketch left. Then go to Layer > Convert > Convert to Color Layer. Just go to Layer > Convert > Convert to 1 bit Layer. Thankfully, this is fairly easy in Fire Alpaca :). You’ll need to clean them up individually before you can color. Once you have all the frames in your animation sketched and lined. Then draw your lines directly on top using a pen with Antialiasing off. The best way to do this in Fire Alpaca for now is to do your sketch with the pencil in a light color.